
Private Cloud as a Service With Mirantis and OpenStack

James Brown tries out OpenStack Express, and is impressed.

The Top 5 Mobile Security Concerns

It's a BYOD world, and organizations know it. Here are the things that worry them the most.

5 Tips For Working With HP's StoreVirtual VSA

StoreVirtual is one of the most popular virtual storage packages out there. Here are a handful of things you can do to get the most out of it.

How to Configure EVO:RAIL Out of the Box

Is it easy to set up VMware's hyper-convergence appliance? James Brown finds out.

VMworld: The Modern-Day COMDEX

It's not about the swag anymore.

Do You Need WAN Optimization?

An expert weighs in on how to decide that you need more bandwidth.

Virtualization and Cloud Computing: Adapt or Go Extinct

A SolarWinds survey finds a radically different IT landscape than what existed a few short years ago, and much has to do with virtualization and cloud computing.

Five VM-Level Infrastructure Adaptations

Infrastructure is evolving for the better, making the job of the admin easier in the long run. Here are five ways it's evolving to work at the VM level.

7 Backup Appliance Myths, Unclouded

Even in the cloud, backup myths proliferate. Here are seven of the most common.

Storage: Reaching Out by Dumbing It Down

On vSAN, MARVIN, and storage shinola.

Shadow IT: The Dangers Lurking on Your Network, In the Cloud

Users consider lots of freely available cloud apps necessary to get their jobs done. Those same apps give IT anxiety with the security implications that those apps bring when attached to the organizations networks. Are those concerns real or imagined?

Some Depressing But Hard Truths About Cloud Storage

Lack of management is at the heart of most cloud storage struggles. So why is it that most of the conversation veers away from that topic?

How to Remotely Manage vSphere from Your Mobile Device

vSphere Mobile Watchlists might make your job a bit too easy. All that really means is that it'll free you for other, more important jobs.

ADCs , or Who Needs Threat Management Gateway Anyway?

With Microsoft discontinuing Forefront Threat Management Gateway some time ago, there hasn't been a solution in the cloud world that has stepped up to the plate. Here's why I believe ADCs have done the job adequately.

Cloud Storage Infrastruggle and the Battle Against Marketecture

Develop more critical thinking of the product pitches you get every day from the growing number of cloud services vendors and you'll begin to see that the real issues are often in what's not mentioned in vendor marketing.

Create a vSphere Lab with (Almost) No Effort

A few review-like words for Lab Guide's Autolab.

How To Set Active Directory Authentication with vCenter Server Appliance

One thing that is a must for most organizations is to join the vCenter Server to Active Directory. A few words of advice to do this smoothly.

How To Reclaim Datastores with VMware's Storage DRS Maintenance Mode

Get back the storage that once belonged to you with this tip for quick datastore reclamation.

The Twilight Zone of Storage

The numbers being tossed around by storage analysts are not adding up in this weirdest of dimensions.

How To Deduplicate Hyper-V VMs with Windows Server 2012 R2

Some handy tips to save space and keep Hyper-V VMs from bogging down the rest of your systems.

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