
Using Azure Services for Archival Storage

Microsoft Office backup in the Microsoft cloud.

The Impact of VMware Photon on the Market

There are more questions than answers right now.

Insight Into vSphere Clusters

SIOS' new product offers predictive analytics.

5 Ways Virtualization Has Reinvented the Datacenter

The transformation has been staggering.

The Time Is Now to Embrace Parallel Processing

DataCore shows what can happen.

Maturing Your Multi-Cloud Strategy Starts with the Network

Using software-defined technologies can smooth the journey.

Hyper-V Replica, Part 1: Use Cases and Configuration

Gotchas and advice for proper setup of Microsoft's backup and disaster recovery platform.

Are Containers and Virtual Machines Really Competitors?

Red Hat says no. Dan agrees.

Workload Analysis In the Cloud

Virtual Instruments introduces 'WorkloadCentral.'

Simplifying the Grid

Univa NAVOPs and large-scale grid computing.

Dell's Zero-Day Malware Prevention

Dell offers another approach to data security. Will it work?

The Need for Ethernet Speed

The move to 100GbE is happening, and sooner than you might think.

The 'Promise' of Safe, Secure Cloud Storage

Promise Technology thinks it has a better way.

5 Great Opportunities at VMworld 2016

Training, Q&A and book signings are some of the things you can do at virtualization's biggest show this year.

Hyper-V in Windows Server 2016 TP5: What's New and Cool

Better backups, checkpoints and Shielded VMs are highlights of the latest version.

Q&A: All-Flash vs. Hybrid Storage

This provider went with a Kaminario all-flash array, and hasn't looked back.

Data Protection for the Mid-market

Arcserve has a varied history.

Dell and Mobile Device Security

The company says piecemeal solutions won't cut it.

Data and the DevOps Challenge

Lucidworks integrates new data sources into Fusion.

Multi-Cloud Operations: Letting Go and Thinking Differently

The old ways of doing IT business are gone.

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